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Found 42 results for any of the keywords jayeldraco com. Time 0.012 seconds.
Works-For-Hire - www.jayeldraco.comJayel Draco has many years of experience with doing commissions, he s available to do commissions for a multitude of types of illustrations and graphics.
About Multi Media Visual Artist Jayel Draco | jayeldraco.comJayel Draco is a multimedia visual artist and the co-founder of Oneshi Press, where he is the lead illustrator, lead-designer, co-creator, 1 of 6 writers.
Blog updates from Jayel Draco | jayeldraco.comThis page provides a list of all of Jayel Draco s blog updates. Follow along to keep up to date with all of Jayels various projects.
Contact Jayel Draco | www.jayeldraco.comFor information regarding prints, commissions, VFX, Animation, and/or Web Design, contact Jayel Draco through any number of methods on this page.
Jayel Draco - YouTubeJayel Draco: Animator, Sculptor, Illustrator, Photographer, Designer has brought to youtube content from for your viewing pleasure... plea...
The Illustration Portfolio of Visual Artist Jayel Draco | jayeldraco.cThe illustration portfolio of Jayel Draco, including: Advertisements, Commissions, Graphic Design, Comps, IPs such as: Tracy Queen, Pack, COG. Enjoy!
@jayeldraco on TumblrWhat a purrfect morning,, wakeing up to purring in my face. The literally only thing I like about the colder months is the increase in snuggleability. Thank you @chalithor_the_cat - #catsofinstagram #catsnuggles #catsnu
Astonishing X-Men -Between full animation and static images lies a fantastic, underutilized form of comic book storytelling called the “Motion Comic”.
CON Schedule -Remember to order your commissions well ahead of the convention so Neal can have it with him to give to you when he comes to the convention.
BLOOD -Here is a section of “Blood – the Motion Comic”, based on the upcoming Dark Horse Graphic Novel by Neal Adams. Neal and Continuity are trying to make motion comics look and feel more like animation by using all the tools
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